Inktober 52 - 2021 35

I did switch the year for this prompt, you might have noticed, mainly because I wasn't going to do research for a religious concept that's already kinda appropriated everywhere. Luckily, the previous year happened to have a similar concept (as far as I understand) in the same year, so I made an "executive decision" as it were. Next week it'll be back to 2021.

Balance is something relatively easy to explicate. There's actually this image the word conjures in my mind. A dentist I used to go to was opposite a building with a small art installation, depicting a silhouette of a man balancing off the side of a building. It was something to look at as a child, while waiting for somebody to rummage around in my mouth.

I adapted the pose I guess. I don't really have a good visual memory, so I can't be sure that's the pose, but at the same time I can't be sure it's not, and for the sake of this project it doesn't really matter.

Since I chose to transfer the balancing act to a more interesting location (more interesting than the dentist, anyway) I repurposed the white foam that I had in the Waves piece. The piece needs to be divided a little more clearly between the top of the waterfall, and probably even a bit of the bottom.

I'm not so sure about the texturing on the top of the waterfall. It's supposed to imply waves, but it seems a little calm, I guess? Maybe it's not going to be as striking, when there's more detail to draw the eye away from it.

Ironically enough, I think my problem with the texturing at the top of the waterfall was the balance. Transferring the weight further down the page helps with the impression of height, and considering I have only black and white available as colours, this seems generally more surreal, enough to hopefully excuse the too calm top of the waterfall.

Not quite fall and not quite flight

the tilt of the body is not quite,

far enough to either side.

If balance is struck, it will be alright


Inktober 52 - 2021 36


Inktober 52 - 2021 34