Complex Analytic and Differential Geometry 2025, 03 - Normal Spaces

A complex space X with holomorphic f on Xreg, so that all x in Xsing have a neighborhood V for which f is bounded on Xreg∩V. If h is holomorphic on V, such that h-1(0) is nowhere dense in V. For all y in V, a function h is a universal denominator on V. The associated sheaf (OX, x) is contained in the ring of meromorphic functions. If (X, x) is irreducible and the ring of germs of weakly holomorphic functions over neighborhoods of x (ÕX, x) is the integral closure in its quotient field. Every germ admits a limit to f(z→x). A complex X is normal at a point x, if (X, x) is irreducible, and ÕX, x = OX, x. The set of normal points is Xnorm. X is normal, if it is normal at all points. The non-normal set Xn-n is an analytic subset of X. Xnorm is open in X. If x is a normal point, then (Xsing, x) has a codimension of at least 2 in (X, x). Complex curves are normal iff they're regular. A normalization (Y, π) is a normal complex space Y together with a holomorphic map π: Y→X so that π is proper and has finite fibers, and the set of singular points of X Σ, A = π-1(Σ), Y \ A is dense in Y and π is an analytic isomorphism. A complex space has a normalization (Y, π). For locally irreducible complex space, the normalization π is homeomorphic.

Holomorphic and finite maps F: X→Y where X, Y are complex, then dim[X] ≤ dim[Y]. If F is also surjective, then dim[X] = dim[Y]. The fibre dimension is an upper semi-continuous function. The rank of F at x is defined as ρF(x) = dim[X, x] - dim[F-1(F(x)), x] If F is holomorphic and Z an analytic subset of X, then maximal Rank of F on Z is less or equal than that of the maximal Rank of F. If Y is pure dimensional, and the max Rank of F is less than dim[Y], then F has empty interior in Y. For surjective F, its maximal rank is equal to dim[Y].

For some complex space X, an analytic subset A and Z ⊂ X \ A also analytic, where a non-negative integer p with dim[A] ≤ p, dim[Z, x] > p ∀ x ∈ Z, then the closure of Z is an analytic subset. If F: X→Y is proper holomorphic, then F(X) is an analytic subset of Y.


Complex Analytic and Differential Geometry 2025, 04 - Complex Analytic Schemes


Complex Analytic and Differential Geometry 2025, 01 - Complex Analytic Sets