Algebraic Topology + Algebra

I started a book recently, and found myself struggling a bit to retain information. That tends to happen to me whenever the semester is going towards the end, because that's the time when my sleep schedule goes whacky, but if I'm not going to remember any of it, I may as well not bother, right? Well, since I've found a way to hold myself accountable, I may as well try to leverage that. Maybe it'll help with establishing an actual study-routine as well, something that would technically be one of those never-before seen additions to my daily routine.

I miss writing my bachelor's thesis, so I'll approach this the same way I approached that: Explain definitions in a way people can hopefully understand pretty well, then work with those to get the proofs going. I'll just follow Hatcher's Algebraic Topology as it goes along, aiming for upwards of 5 proofs a week. If I get stuck, I'll have the book to help me along, otherwise I'll try to add decent comparisons between my solution and the proposed one. I'll have to add LaTeX, maybe in the form of images, maybe in the form of embedded PDFs, I'll have to see what wix allows me to do.



Abstract Algebra Leftovers