Complex Analytic and Differential Geometry 2025, 08 - Transformation of Lelong Numbers

A holomorphic map F: X→Y between complex manifolds with dim X = n, dim Y = m, and T a closed positive current of bidim (p, p) on X, and if F↑ Supp T is proper, then ⟨F*T, α⟩ = ⟨T, F*α⟩ for all test-forms α of bidegree (p, p) on Y. If F(Supp T)∩{ψ<R} data-preserve-html-node="true" ⋐ Y, then ν(F*T, ψ) = ν(T, ψ○F, r) ∀ r < R. For x in X, and y = F(x), if the codim of the fiber F-1(y) at x is greater or equal to p, then μp(F, x) = ν((ddclog |F - y|)p, x) If F is an analytic map from X to Y, with F↑Supp T is proper, and I(y) be the set of points x in Supp T ∩ F-1(y) so that x is equal to its connected component in Supp T ∩ F-1(y) and its codim is greater or equal to o, then ν(F*T, y) ≥ Σμp(F, x) ν(T, x) The inequality breaks down if the summation is extended to all points and if the set contains positive dimensional connected components. A proper and finite analytic F and closed positive current T of bidim (p, p) on X, then ν(F*T, y) ≤ Σ μp(F, x)ν(T, x) where ν is the multiplicity defined through H: (X, x) → (ℂn, 0) is a germ of finite map. Besides this,

where G runs over all germs so that the combination of G and F is finite.


Complex Analytic and Differential Geometry 2025, 07 - Comparison Theorems for Lelong Numbers


Complex Analytic and Differential Geometry 2025, 06 - Monge-Ampere Operators