June 2024 - Migrating off Wix

I'm not going to do much of a write-up this month, because simply: This had to be done, and I had to make myself do it, even though I'm not immediately happy with the change, nor was doing so interesting in any way. It's more or less been a copy-pasting content and arranging it into as compact of an entry I could get away with. Two things have emerged from this. First, let's start with the one thing I'm not happy with:

I didn't get around to writing any new posts while migrating, because I didn't feel like doing the work twice. We'll see if we just skip, or if I can catch up with my own schedule.

It technically means that I have some posts still in the pipeline, ready to publish, but I'll wait until the beginning of next week to know which way I want to go.

On the other hand, I could introduce some nicer structure to posts that technically belong together. The Math and Physics posts, now separated into their own categories, could go in massive one-off posts that cover an entire treatment of a topic. I would love to keep it that way in the future, so whenever I finish, I'll either make a wrap-up post with everything, or I'll merge the posts together.

The cool stuff with the restructuring might pay off later, when these articles are meant to function as study notes. As they are, they're already fine, I hugely benefit from them being organized on my workflowy as they are, but checking the website will give me a different mode of searching for keywords.

I've not gotten the full hang of squarespace yet. I know I could go more interesting with the pictures and such, but my Wix layouts used to be very straight-forward, top to bottom affairs. I will see if this will change, if I have the time to play around more with it.

Generally, I do think the Wix interface was prettier, but I'll see what I can do sorting the themes and fonts and such.


July 2024 - Xiangqi: Chess With Rivers and Elephants


May 2024: The Phonetic Alphabet