Art Practice - 2023, 03

Getting to sporadically choose ones prompts has its perks. Considering the stuff I wanted to practice, I can usually find a prompt that's at least adjacent to those things. I do somewhat lose the free interpretation section of the process though, but it's generally fine, I guess. Between all the other writing I do I'm not so sure I need this section to be intact all of the time.

My messy sketches have definitely have made improvements. I guess much of it is still that I can cheat the details, but I'm starting to get away from explicit construction. I can definitely see this one get more shading than the last few ones have.

I mostly fixed geometry errors with this first run. I chose to feature the cloak quite prominently in the silhouette as well, just for practice. This far isn't too difficult though. The shading is where things can go funny.

Well, the face and the hand might have needed some detail or improvement, I guess. That's something that comes and goes though. Otherwise, the shading gives this piece something of Darkest Dungeon. It'd miss detail to get there entirely, but maybe if I play more with real sources of light I could get there eventually.

When all is ash and cinders fine,

the empire gone, the end of the line,

former glory recapitulates

the downfall of their broken states.

A crownless king sits, remembering sleep

for new kingdoms to rise from the deep


Art Practice - 2023, 04


Art Practice - 2023, 02