Art Practice - 2023 12

Word of the day calendars are occasionally handy to have around. New words are fun every now and then and I'm not sure I would encounter words like impedimenta otherwise. Halcyon too, is a way like that. I do quite enjoy it's meaning though. On the one hand, it's associated with the kingfisher bird, as well as the high times, usually in retrospect. That could be interesting to find a balance for.

I had to use extensive reference for the bird, and the figure drawing needed only quite minor revisions, mostly in the legs. This sort of construction is still much easier for me in poses where the torso experiences little compression. I've also honestly had a little trouble tracing the action line through the spine in that way that seems so simple in theory.

Details are penciled in relatively quickly as well. It's not anything I wouldn't otherwise design, I suppose. I think this might be an intuitive choice for me, partially because I can easily design it around the under-sketch. Another good reason might be my previously stated not being aware of other items of clothes.

I do what I can with the little lighting work I'm capable of. Looking back, I think I might have preferred the pencil sketch. It just seems a little softer in the picture and it then seems less empty or sterile. It's also less noticeable when I'm trying to fudge the hands.

The top of the hill looks lovely so,

a rosy-red look on narrow blue skies.

From up on the hill the tumbling go,

their salvation, a being that flies.


Art Practice - 2023 13


Art Practice - 2023 11