Art Practice - 2023 11

For this one I picked a random song I've got saved on my phone. It ended up being this very fun ending tune from a series I quite enjoyed. It's in Japanese, which makes it slightly difficult for me to interpret effectively. The translated lyrics are a jumbled mess for the most part, which I suppose is somewhat thematic anyway, but it keeps me mostly with the title.

The title is Sugar Song & Bitter Step. Of course, as a title that is also really a bit of a jumbled mess. At least I don't have to illustrate a chaotic vibe though, so that's a step towards the concrete.

Profiles are hard... and so is Katakana, which I've elected to do the lettering in this time. They're not all exactly to scale and the angle is slightly inopportune, but I would have felt awkward writing out the title, for reasons I'm not really sure of. Maybe it's because the actual title mixes languages in a way that makes it semantically ambiguous. I might have to practice profiles though.

I however, didn't quite think about what to do with the poem at this point. While I enjoyed thinking about the concept, lyrical thought is somewhat hampered by me at least conceptually knowing the lyrics to the song, so I'm going to just do a free-form thing about a not-at-all relevant topic.

The words float mute on autumn wind.

I swallow them, before they come back again.

For birds of my feather and for all their kin,

they're better left to glances, innocent, plane.

We speak of sweet poison, benevolent cold,

we close our eyes and reach for a hold,

and refuge is found back in the fold

that are shards of distorted glass stories of old


Art Practice - 2023 12


Art Practice - 2023 10