Art Practice - 2023, 14

Last year's rise of the AI generator hasn't slowed up to this point. One might have thought it would be discouraging, and I suppose it was occasionally. Especially the art generators sometimes make me question why I still practice, but I think it's mostly because I don't plan on earning my bread through art. Then, everything else I can do that's not maths or physics is a bonus to my person, in a sense.

Finding a motif for an AI generator isn't anything I'm too familiar with. I have pictures of them in mind of course, but a bunch of code makes for a terrible picture. So does a team of developers (no offense). I wasn't about to draw an (entire) robot though, if I didn't feel like I had a good design in mind, so this is my idea.

It's still very clearly a robot, and I feel like the angle could be interesting framing, were it used in a scene transition. The construction work wasn't too difficult technically, more conceptually and considering the gray-scale nature of my work it was just convenient to black out the figure as well.

Two artists draw apples for hours on end

one leaves with one picture, and no time to spend.

The other one's got fifteen thousand to show.

Both artists are happy, both ready to go.


Art Practice - 2023, 15


Art Practice - 2023 13