Art Practice - 2023, 15

I've been dragged into liking a table-top wargame... I couldn't help it, it was steampunk-themed, so I had to. That would be my defense in court. I have a special weakness for certain aesthetics and steampunk is very much part of that group. It's a delicate mix of the supernatural with fashion I'd be very much into, if I weren't so averse to standing out in public. Anyway, when I first looked through the catalogue of Malifaux, I immediately gravitated towards the Arcanist faction. Magic steampunk anarchists? That sounds exactly like something I'd be into. I was then pointed towards a master model based on casino gambling, which, as an avid collector of cards, I'm also very much into, and turned out to be the first purchase I made in that department. This week then, it's fanart.

I struggled with the hand and the face. The hand I think I managed more or less, but the face needs work. It's very much that my style of faces doesn't play too well with the kind of face the character has. I use a lot of slender, maybe more feminine-coded features in what I design of my own accord, so the hard geometry and facial hair was giving me trouble. I did my best here, but I don't think I hit the mark quite right.

Guess where my marker ran out of ink. Anyway, Having completed the inks, I think the hand really came out pretty alright, considering. The face though... I think it might be the size of the eyes, most of all, then the nose proportions, and lastly my inability to draw hairstyles that don't draw attention to themselves. Maybe I should think about doing some portrait studies one of these days...

There once was a man that liked gambling,

his card-counting chops were quite baffling.

He counted them all,

and then came last call,

and the staff kicked him out finagling


Art Practice - 2023, 16


Art Practice - 2023, 14