Inktober 52 - 2021 23

Uh.... so this whole thing was kinda awkward for me. For one, I was on vacation and my time-table was very out of my hands, so I didn't think I would have a lot of time, and on top of that, I wasn't really sure what to do with the prompt that wouldn't feature me draw something absolutely terrible. Judging by the pieces I've produced within this project so far, I'm sure you already know how my brain works, when it tries to frame a picture, and telling it to find a cube will yield... "mixed" results. So I did that thing where you look around the room and pick something in your immediate field of vision. In this case, that was a chair - a dining table chair specifically. We hadn't vacuumed the breakfast crumbs that day, which were uncomfortable to draw around, but gave me the idea for the cube of cheese. Then I also forgot to take all those in-between pictures, so I had to that leaves me with not a lot of material to talk about. Not that it would have made me look particularly well for this one, I was somewhat rushing it out, so beyond the first thoughts about composition, I didn't really think about the shading. In all honesty, I ended up getting ambushed by the composition as well, when I remembered that tables do indeed cast shadows. I also don't think I learned anything, and drawing this wasn't fun either, so this one was maybe not great all in all. Back to regular pictures with thought put into them next week.

(The hand worked first try though ^-^)

Because I forgot all those other pictures though, I'm retroactively adding a short poem to this one to make for it - and also for the hasty shading I didn't care enough to touch up properly.

A cube, a fraction of a pound,

hours later, hastily found,

and since the opportunity's lost

for tasty enjoyment and other

chances have taken to being a bother,

and better off going the way of the cube -

of cheese: recycled in the compost.


Inktober 52 - 2021 24


Inktober 52 - 2021 22