Inktober 52 - 2021 31

Tranquil is one of these abstract concepts I don't know what to do with from the get-go. I don't really have a tranquil place, except maybe after a performance, and only if I've got nothing going on afterwards, which is not often nowadays. I guess rest is tranquil in the most literal sense, though I'm not sure how to portray that except for the very literal way - which wouldn't be very interesting. Unless I screw around with the framing again, so here we go.

I guess this is an excuse for me to practice that cloth thing I've been on about for a while now. I'm also realizing that I've effectively made a still-life. I'm sure most people will have had the experience of drawing a still-life in school at some point, and as far as I'm concerned, I've never really enjoyed them, because the point of a still-life is that nothing happens, but I guess I see why somebody would draw something like that, if there's a subject one would want to practice. I didn't enjoy this one less than non-still-lifes, and it didn't take me a lot of time either. It's a somewhat different experience than what I remember doing back in school. It is really flat without shading or colours though.

I do like how this came out after shading. I don't quite know what this reminds me of, but this feels familiar to me. Maybe I've seen something similar in a panel somewhere. The composition isn't too unusual, especially now that I've noticed I've unconsciously followed the rule of thirds.

With the air in your lungs leaves the last of the day.

It takes the heavy and long thoughts away

and lets in softer, and calmer things

to fill some space in the draining mind.

Tomorrow there's space for things that are kind,

just as soon as the alarm clock rings.


Inktober 52 - 2021 32


Inktober 52 - 2021 30