Inktober 52 - 2021 38

Stone sure is a prompt. I'm entirely neutral on it and I have no idea of what I'd be looking to do given this prompt. My interest lie completely away from any naturalistic interpretation of it. No interesting character designs of somebody named something-stone or something to that effect come to mind. I suppose I could lean into the whole creature design thing and maybe go with a gargoyle?

Turns out, I don't actually know what a gargoyle looks like from memory. This is a surprisingly common problem I guess. I'm not going to claim I'm happy with the design I collected from references, but there really doesn't seem to be much of a consensus on the details. That can be positive, but I also seem to have difficult with the pose. Hunching positions are generally kinda hard for me.

A little more detail makes the gargoyle seem a little less poorly thought out. It maybe looks a tad too much like the proportions I'm comfortable with and less hunched over. Gargoyles always strike me as night-time roof-top creatures, so I wanted to shade it somehow. I picked a light-source from somewhere and it also needed at least a hint of a background. Considering they're a staple of large, towery architecture, there'd better be a tower somewhere.

Shading really does make all the difference. Considering I mostly winged the design, I can't complain too much. Maybe I should do more creature design, or maybe I should focus on anatomy a little bit more. I do happen to have something lined up for creature design - but that's not for now.

Heavy scowl and skin like stone,

perching on it's skyborne throne,

the stony eyes rest on the streets

below, after the sun has gone.


Inktober 52 - 2021 39


Inktober 52 - 2021 37