Inktober 52 - 2021 44

I'm a sucker for crispy foods, but I'm not in the habit of thinking about food too much, mostly because it just becomes relevant very sporadically in my day to day. As such I'm not aware that I've ever willingly focused on food in any of the drawings I've done (unless you count certain alive animals as food). Crispy as a prompt does leave me little choice but to center something around food, though I'll have to think about how to do that. I'm not going to do a deliberate still-life of a crisp or something, that seems tedious and not really my style. Instead I think I'll draw a scene that happens to feature crisps.

Rough pencil sketch. I struggled with the sitting pose - well, most sitting poses I struggle with and this one is not exception. I think I have to generally practice sitting poses, because I'm not too comfortable with how the body folds when sitting. I won't go into detail with the outfits on that person, I think, so I don't get too many opportunities to hide the folds.

The first inks clean up nicely, though I'm noticing that I have trouble picturing cats from memory, more so than birds or dogs, which is odd for a person that is partial to cats. Maybe my contrarian insistence on avoiding cat-videos is coming back to bite me.

The left cat looks a bit suspicious, while the right I guess looks a little more like I pictured it. I think all in all this is an appropriate amount of detail in the scene, though one would ordinarily add some flooring and maybe a background. I avoid backgrounds though and I don't think the flooring would add anything in black and white inks, so I'll skip those again.

The black floor is always a welcome, easy fix. The shading in general was minimal, mainly because a lower light-source would probably create too foreboding of a lighting condition, and I wanted this scene to seem lighthearted for once. I pictured a light-source somewhere to the top left, moved to somewhere in the background. Also, it occurred to me that it's been ages since I've actually used longhand writing, and I can confirm, it's slow and I didn't enjoy it.

CRUNCH! Ears stand to attention.

CRUNCH! Involuntary, there's intention.

CRUNCH! The bowl of crisps is there, it tempts me

CRUNCH! And now the bowl is empty.


Inktober 52 - 2021 45


Inktober 52 - 2021 43