Inktober 52 - 2021 46

This seems like a prompt that doesn't really make sense without an entire scene, so I'll lock myself in for that. It's pretty vague in its specific parameters though. It's been a while since I've looked at the setup of a non-specific shop, so I'm somewhat wanting for a concrete picture. Composition is probably going to be pretty standard, and I'll decide on the details when I know what kind of shop I'm dealing with.

A first rough pencil sketch gives me plenty to work with, I think. Frontal view of a storefront, proprietor, some items on a shelf in the background. It's going to be a vague magic shop, because then I don't need to draw food, or other stuff I need to look up references for. There was a good amount of geometric construction I needed to do for this. I wonder whether that's just a thing for indoor scenes.

Not quite first inks, but most of the inking wasn't that interesting overall. The lettering probably could've worked better if I were doing digital painting. I wanted it to have the feel of very simple sign lettering. My labeling of Stuff in the different shelves is maybe a bit cheeky, but I'm still not sure what to put there.

I cleaned stuff up and added shading. Also the aforementioned stuff. It's been a while since I've done a scene - at least it feels that way - and populating it took more brain-power than I'm normally used to expending on these. Maybe I would also benefit from looking digital art, despite my previous middling experiences with it. Nevertheless, since I had to think about the detail, it wasn't as tedious as I thought.

Maybe now there will be people

waiting just outside that door.

Maybe they will cross the steps and

onto polished, dark wood floor,

they might visit and they might

draw a fortune - step inside.


Inktober 52 - 2021 47


Inktober 52 - 2021 45