Inktober 52 - 2021 47

Um... essence... essence of what? I think of perfume, when I hear the word essence, which is weird, since I don't know anything about perfume, nor do I use it regularly. Anyway, it's probably not a good subject for a drawing. Instead I'll do something. I don't quite know yet.

Look, I have no good way of justifying the motif, I think I might have a repressed memory of a commercial in the back of my mind when I didn't avoid every ad like the plague that might have paired this motif with essence, but that's honestly the best I can do currently. Anyway, it's pretty and it gives me an excuse to try out a few things. Without many references I think this might work decently. Besides, the sketch was relatively simple to do just by leading the body backwards into the page.

Shading was pretty straight-forward on this one. It works decently in black and white, but I think it might work better in colour. My marker is also slowly running out of running out of ink again, starting this whole slow-down of shading in general. Oh, well. They can't all be winners.

Maybe now there will be people

waiting just outside that door.

Maybe they will cross the steps and

onto polished, dark wood floor,

they might visit and they might

draw a fortune - step inside.


Inktober 52 - 2021 48


Inktober 52 - 2021 46