Art Practice - 2023, 01

Now that I'm out of prompt, I've been looking around for alternatives out there that don't require me waiting for somebody to dish out their prompt. A good way for that is to find a place with daily or semi-daily prompts, since they produce prompts faster than I'm able to keep up with. I eventually decided to go with a combination of subreddits and prompt sites, like this character design challenge. Since that means I have a lot of freedom of choice, I'll try to pick two or more prompts to fulfill.

My primary prompt was Streetlamp, so that's the lettering this will get. The other one I took off the character Design challenge: "Dog Adventurer". I wasn't about to draw another set of dog-ears on a person, at least not this time. I also omit the numbering now, because it'll be much easier to fit it into smaller spaces and give it less of a black and white calendar feeling.

I free-handed the dogs without reference, so they're maybe not the correct proportional size to the person in front. I might generally have to do some perspective practice, if I'm looking at those lamps. The one in the back probably shouldn't be as small as it is...

It cleans up decent, I guess. Some of the inking errors are pretty glaring in this one, but I've taken a break on account of that one novel I wrote in November (yes, I did this early December), so I guess this is my attempt at getting back into things.

In hours at night, the lights flicker on,

turn city-scapes into long lines of stars.

Both carpets of blackness stare themselves down,

the moons become trains, the comets are cars.


Art Practice - 2023, 02


Goodbye Inktober 52 2021