Goodbye Inktober 52 2021

Last week I officially ran out of prompts. I tend to prepare things in advance, and this is an issue with a format that decides your possible output for you. However, I don't think it would make sense to close this chapter just because I ran out of prompts from this particular supplier. I've yet to find a good substitute for the Inktober prompt-list, so starting this week I'll improvise until I find out what I want to do about it.

I recently deviated from my usual pattern in Pen and Paper creations and filled out a PDF for a DnD character. I don't usually enjoy looking for reference images or fiddling around with Artbreeder or similar tools to get a picture for this sort of thing, and there was no textbox for the appearance either. So I could use this week to produce a portrait of the character in order to fix that issue.

I have a few details given by lore, but I more or less have the freedom to improvise at this point. This will be mostly practice for drawing faces, something I should do more in general, since wonky proportions in the face tend to be very noticable. What will be visible of the clothing should be soft and flowy, since the character is a Bladesinger, and forgoes heavy armor.

Ordinarily I would give shading to the hair. Highlights maybe, but in this case I don't think that would work. What little lore there is on pallid elves is pretty clear on the colour-palette leaning towards light shades - and I'm not sure hairdye is a thing in DnD.

The cloth turned out to be somewhat of a problem again, because of the layering and me not being sure how to partition it without the layers. I went with the flow on that one and employed that trick from the Cthulhu picture. It's a far shot from comission quality, but it's better than nothing. It's not like I had a clear picture in mind anyway, but I can feel alright inserting it into the PDF.

The journey's done, good time was spent.

We've walked this road together.

Tokens of memories changed hands,

we now look at the better

people that emerged from this,

the things we've done and learned.

And I can safely say, I'll miss

the comeradery we've earned.


Art Practice - 2023, 01


Inktober 52 - 2021 51