Art Practice - 2023, 06

Ah, delivery workers. That most essential part of the 21st century society. I admit I'm also guilty of using their services every now and then, even though I try not to as best as I can. It's just difficult to find specific things that aren't clothes or food. At least I find it a little hard. After all, where does one find a specific kind of lock-pick? Anyway, the job of an express delivery worker might be stressful, but maybe doesn't make for too interesting of a picture without spicing it up a little.

Instead of drawing another vehicle, I decided to do some more difficult posing. I also didn't have a good pencil at hand, so I wound up using a weird oval promotional pencil from some construction firm that doesn't exist anymore. It's not a great tool for sketches and I had to sharpen it with a pocket knife, so that's why the line-work is so shoddy on this one.

Well, where construction goes pear-shaped, so does line-work, I suppose. I wanted to get this over with at this point, since construction itself was pretty frustrating already. I thought I could fix it with construction, but no such luck. In retrospect, this should have been one of those aforementioned focused study sessions instead of an attempt to finish a piece. I'll have to think about how to quantify those. Maybe this is another monthly?

Go knock at the door,

smile, hand over the package.

Then back to the car.


Art Practice - 2023 07


Art Practice - 2023, 05