Art Practice - 2023 09

I took a clothing randomizer for a spin for this week, which quickly overwhelmed me with words I wasn't exactly familiar with. Suffice to say, I know less words for garments than I thought I would. The first set of prompts left me with cowboy hat and knee-high boots, the former I'm pretty sure I don't want to draw, which leaves me with that particular piece of footwear, which I'm not quite sure what to do with. It seems to me - a person with exactly one pair of shoes most days - like more of a style decision than a functional one. That can very much be in my favour, since that means I can lean into an aesthetic, though beyond the eclectic, I find it hard to picture appropriate scenarios.

It's surprisingly difficult to organically picture somebody holding an instrument when you play it more often than you see it played. I'm also sure this will still go haywire whenever I get to the fingers again. That old nemesis: hands....

Couldn't really do without reference on this one. Both with the hairstyle and with the guitar. I'm also still unsure whether I'm going to sketch in the strings. I'm afraid I'll make a mess of things.

In hindsight, I've managed to obscure the prompt pretty effectively behind the posture, which is all the same for me. My initial thoughts were to find an opportunity to play around with the clothes, but maybe this isn't the right way to do it. I googled the individual pieces the randomizer gave me initially of course, but they came together so horrendously I abandoned ship almost immediately.

The clicking of heels on linoleum floor

reflections of stage lights in the decor,

the sounds of the feedback when touching the mic

and a somebody clearing their throat, volume's just right.

"Getting over a cold" their fingers spin

"Excuse the sore throat" and they play themselves in


Art Practice - 2023 10


Art Practice - 2023 08