Inktober 52 - 2021 51

Similar to the Journey prompt, this one conjured images from a show I haven't seen yet. It does also conjure a number of other images, most of which I don't think I'll be able to render with my limited abilities. I do harbour a passing interest in robotics, so I'm somewhat familiar with how the newer Boston-Dynamics robots look and what they're able to do. They more or less serve as regular inspiration whenever I'm thinking of humanoid, near future robotics. From a storytelling perspective, I tend to think of robots as an extension of humanity, whenever humans aren't able or willing to be present themselves - or when there aren't any left.

Apocalyptic fiction is a sci-fi mainstay that I enjoy carefully. It's often a kind of story one gets lost in thematically, and where interesting and important issues can be tackled easily, but also poorly without it being too obvious upon cursory glances of the text. I chose not to style this too overtly apocalyptic at this time, mainly because I don't think I could really do anything with it, and I don't think I'd enjoy it if I couldn't.

The first pass with the ink was relatively easy. Generally, the composition of the piece is maybe balanced, but flat, so that might be something to watch out for in the future. The robot construction is slightly geometrically wonky though, so I'll see how much I can change that with shading.

Ah, yes. This is slightly better. For one, there's at least a nominal light-source, though it's too late for certain details. Oh, well, next time I'll just have to establish a light-source for myself before starting with the ink.

Built with purpose by peers of its own,

linked into systems it's never once shown,

it brings us our coffee, it handles the carts

powered forever by mechanical hearts


Goodbye Inktober 52 2021


Inktober 52 - 2021 50