Inktober 52 - 2021 48

Oh, boy... I always feel a little awkward even spelling this word. I think throwing this word around might be one of these weird Americanisms. I suspect this might be Thanksgiving week in America - I don't know, because I don't care enough about either - and this leaves me in the awkward position of trying to figure out what to do interpretation-wise. I might do another scene I think is pretty and cringe internally while doing the lettering.

I've practiced drawing trees in school, so they have a habit of coming back into compositions I'm unsure about. They fill the frame pretty, which is convenient. It didn't fill it enough though, hence that bush in the bottom left.

With shading, this looks pretty alright. The bush is oddly white, but well, there are white bushes somewhere, I'm sure. I've tried using fineliner for the clouds before, and that works pretty will against white skies, I think. I might have darkened the sky in general, if that hadn't interfered so much with the other silhouettes in the piece.

A dark cloudless night,

spent with ones own thoughts alone,

serenity still.


Inktober 52 - 2021 49


Inktober 52 - 2021 47