Inktober 52 - 2021 49

Adventure awaits! I went in circles a little while coming up for the concept here. I initially thought I could do another fanart piece, but the issue was that I haven't actually seen the subject in question. The prompt being Journey, reminded me of something that was once described as a classic to me, which was Kino no Tabi, or Kino's Journey. It looked interesting, but I just haven't had the opportunity to look into it yet, hence why doing that specifically felt disingenuous. What I could do instead, is come up with a character design with that general aesthetic, and maybe draw a motorbike as well.

The design came pretty naturally. It's not anything special, just something that I thought might fit the bike. The real challenge here was finding an interesting design for a bike I liked. Many of the modern bikes remind me too much of racing, so this retro design felt most appropriate to me.

First pass with lines. I didn't do that clean of a job with the sign, and I'm seeing problems arising with the parts of the engine of the bike, when the shading comes in.

My marker is still running on empty, so I'm keeping shading minimal until I have a replacement. I added some shine on the upwards slopes of the bike, which could be fun to implement more in the future. Otherwise I think the usual shading problems have been more or less averted. I would have liked to make the protectors black as well, but that would have clashed with the wheels too much. This one could also benefit from a background, but deadline's coming up, so if that materializes, it won't be this week.

One step is all it takes at first,

one step outside the door.

One step to quell the longing thirst

that's shaken to the core

many thousand generations,

will many thousands more,

for a journey to far nations,

seas and the ocean's floor.


Inktober 52 - 2021 50


Inktober 52 - 2021 48