Inktober 52 - 2021 50

Umm.... this one's weird. I get that it's the 50th prompt that somebody had to come up with, but I feel like there's no good way for me to tackle this subject. More far reaching associations feel somewhat inappropriate, so I'll abstain from my usual free-association process and just draw soap. Hopefully it'll be somewhat appealing soap, but it will still be soap.

Layout isn't anything special. There's some soap bars that are technically clear and has stuff encased inside it. I originally thought about having an insect encased in it, but that would disqualify it as a soap I would be comfortable using, if I'm honest. Instead I went for that standard trick of mine: Flowers!

My lettering went a little wonky towards the end now. I can't do very sensible shading with the framing I've chosen, so I'll leave it. As a frame, this is has something of an advertisement, which I guess is as good as any other framing for a bar of soap.

Snowy white bubbles in weightless cascades

build mountains and islands on blue.

A giant emerges, from feather-soft gates,

what else can this funny bar do?


Inktober 52 - 2021 51


Inktober 52 - 2021 49